Planning a Successful New Year Corporate Party in Arizona

Planning a Successful New Year Corporate Party in Arizona Throwing a New Year party is a great way to recharge your team and giving it the new impetus for the next year.  However, a corporate event is a synonym for boredom in the dictionary of many employees. As an organizer, it is your job to […]

Benefits of Having Your Company Holiday Party in January

Benefits of Having Your Company Holiday Party in January. Have you considered the possibility of hosting a holiday party in January, after the holiday rush has ended? While this may sound unusual, more and more businesses are choosing to hold off on their hosting duties until after Christmas and New Years have passed. Here are […]

Start Planning Your Corporate Holiday Party in the Summer

5 Reasons to Start Planning Your Corporate Holiday Party in the Summer Great article from Strategic Event Design in New York  The month of July isn’t reserved for just fireworks and watermelon. It may not seem a likely time to start Christmas Party planning, but for event planners, “Christmas in July” has a different meaning. If […]

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