Trends to Pull Off Successful Business Conferences in 2019

Conference Trends 2019

The landscape for corporate events and conferences is constantly changing, and everyone related to this area including businesses, event planners, venue owners, and caterers are working hard to adapt to the latest trends to be able to deliver superior services.

We all remember the times when all corporate conferences used to have this typical arrangement with the delegates seated in a single row and coming to the rostrum to speak in front of the audiences until the conferences ended. Not to mention how we could easily spot a couple of attendees yawning or catching naps here and there. The good news is that those days are no more!

Conferences currently are all about developing audiences’ interest and keeping it intact throughout the events. For the most part, this depends on how corporate events are tailored to the needs of guests and its perfect execution.

If you too are on the lookout for conference trends for the year 2019, here are a few that will contribute to the overall success of your upcoming conferences.

  • Winning with Technology

Truth be told, conference attendees are often seen busy using their smartphones and what makes them do this is the urge to fight back sleepiness or simply make it through the boring business conferences. And if half of the people attending your conference are busy using smartphones throughout the event, how successful do you think the event will be? It is like standing there watching all your effort and investment being wasted and not being able to do anything about it.

While you can’t really ask adults to not use their smartphones, how does the idea of taking this negative side and turning it into something positive sound? How about using smartphones to make your conference interesting and interactive?  That would be amazing, of course! What you can do is make your conference interactive by asking questions that the attendees need to answer on a platform that runs on their phones, such as twitter discussions or event applications.

Yes, that’s one powerful conference trend you will have to ensure incorporating as you pave your way to arranging successful business events in 2019.

  • Tiny Escapes

Another conference trend you should catch up on is using ideas to keep your audience energetic and upbeat. It is indeed hard to make a ‘business’ event thoroughly entertaining while keeping in view the actual purpose of such an arrangement without failing it.  

What you can simply do is arrange for tiny getaways during lengthy conferences. Setup activities that people can engage in and rejuvenate themselves to make it through the remaining part of the conference that you have arranged. These could be anything from snack breaks, group discussions, games in the middle, or short discussions on irrelevant stuff like cooking, fun facts, or traveling.

  • Themes and Theater

A lot of businesses are actually trying to make their otherwise boring events lively and fun by adding theatrical elements like drama, short stand-up comedy sessions, etc. in addition to theming the events accordingly by using related arrangements for catering, and lighting. And this indeed is an amazing idea!

Incorporating theater, themes, and drama into your corporate events will not only ensure that the audiences remain engaged and entertained throughout the conference but will also help you build more personal and better relationships with them. So, it’s win-win!

Get your corporate event arranged professionally by connecting with the experts at Scottsdale Corporate Events. The team would be more than happy to bring your dream to life!

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