Are You Planning This Year’s Employee Holiday Party

Let’s assume you’ve been charged with planning this year’s employee holiday party, but have been asked to organize the program to reduce costs without impacting the quality of the event. After all, employee holiday parties are designed to serve as excellent morale boosters that translate into improved employee satisfaction and retention levels.

This is a great assignment, but you may have some questions about the best way to approach and execute the holiday party. While the final decision is up to each organization, consider the following ideas:

What are the basic elements of a holiday party program?

Buffet Setup for the Employee Christmas Party, Majestic Hotel, Barcelona, Spain. (c) 2007 Rob Hard / RH Communications, Inc.

Of course, like any other event or project, you will need to create a project plan that identifies the event details for the employee holiday party. It should include the following:

  • Ceate an event theme.
  • Select a venue location, time, date.
  • Consider total attendees.
  • Choose appropriate food and beverage.
  • Choose appropriate decor for your theme and guests.
  • Create a planned agenda for the day of the event

Check out this sample sample holiday party agenda Mor

Should I create a large or small committee to plan the holiday party?

corporate event planners

A smaller group of individuals will likely make the planning more expedient and cost effective. Many organizations involve a large committee of individuals to plan the annual holiday party. However, time spent planning this kind of event may take away from the day-to-day productivity of those involved.

Therefore select those individuals for their ability to positively influence other employees. And use the assignment as a reward or incentive for those chosen. And allow the organization’s event planner to work with an empowered leader. In human resources or marketing – someone authorized to approve the plan.

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