10 Alternatives to the Office Holiday Party

10 Alternatives to the Office Holiday Party Bolstered by an economy that has made some significant strides over the last few years and healthy corporate profits, a survey by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. shows that more of the nation’s employers are ready to break out their party hats during the holiday season.

But recognize that employers increasingly have less tolerance for annual office party shenanigans involving career busting episodes with alcohol overindulgence.

Employees demonstrate little appreciation for expensive investments in an office party if their personal compensation is affected by slowing company sales that result in low salary increases and the loss of bonuses or profit sharing. The potential for increased costs to employees via Washington initiatives such as the increased costs of Obamacare is also a player in employee thoughts about office parties.

Celebrate Without the Traditional Office Party – or in Addition

It is still the holiday season, an opportunity for employers and employees to participate in team building, morale increasing holiday adventures – together.

Here are ideas to embrace the holiday spirit without committing a lot of employee time, hard earned cash, or energy. Your employees and their families will appreciate your low-key alternatives to an expensive, energy-consuming office party.

Make Cookies for a Holiday Cookie Tasting

A holiday cookie exchange is an excellent alternatve to a holiday party.
Howard Deshong/StockFood Creative/Getty Images

With company-supplied punch, soft drinks, and mulled cider. Ask employees to bring in a plate of cookies to share with their coworkers. Keep the event low pressure by specifying that bakery products are welcome, too. Make sure the company orders a supply of bakery cookies. To ensure that every employee has a chance to sample a variety.

Make the event festive with holiday music and gift certificate prizes for the bakers of the employees’ favorite cookies.

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