19 Things That Thrill Event Planners

19 Things That Thrill Event Planners

19 Things That Thrill Event Planners.

As an event planner there are a number of simple things that get us over excited. Here are 19 things which are irresistible to event professionals, but which others outside the industry may not understand or appreciate.

Sometimes the simplest of things can evoke disproportionate joy. Many of these items are inexpensive, and common place but to a professional event planner they can mean or be worth so much more. Here are some of the things guaranteed to make me happy (and I don’t think I am alone!). 19 Things That Thrill Event Planners

Whether you like paper or electronic lists this is often an essential part of an event planners daily life. Obsession, necessity or comfort, the real thrill however really comes from crossing (or striking or ticking or swiping) items from your list. 19 Things That Thrill Event Planners



Post It Notes

So simple, and so effective, how can these little blocks of fluorescent paper fail to bring cheer? Whether you are using them to take telephone messages, brainstorm your meeting design or as part of an event workshop session they add brightness to every situation. 19 Things That Thrill Event Planners

Knowing You’ve Nailed It

The biggest (and most addictive) thrill for any event planner is witnessing people having a good time or benefitting because of something you have created. Looking around and seeing this first hand is a great feeling and hard to beat.

Fitness Trackers

image: http://www.eventmanagerblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Fitness-Trackers.jpg

fitness-trackersOn site visits, walk throughs and event days you will smash your step count. There is nothing like being top of the leader board and boasting a crazy amount of steps to make you feel smug! Of course on those days that you work from home and don’t leave the house it is the opposite story, but let’s not mention that.


Whether you are using them to replace your ring binder, as a check in device. Or to moderate social media or audience responses. Tablets have quickly became an essential touchscreen toy for every modern event professional. Tablets are particularly thrilling for those that remember a time before the invention. Which gives a deeper appreciation of the mighty tablet device.

Read more at http://www.eventmanagerblog.com/19-things-that-thrill-event-planners#HofcGGfkgjQDArPd.99

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