Our number 1 and 2 priorities will be to help Arizona’s most neglected our Adult Seniors and Senior Dogs

Meet Karen L. May, CEO of SPEV, and hear about her thoughts on generosity and giving back. 

PhilanthropyGiving blesses us more than receiving. Unfortunately, most people do not show the generous spirit our childhood teachings encouraged. Generosity means adopting a gracious attitude, not measuring it by amounts.  Have you ever seen an unhappy, generous person? I trust generous hearts remain joyful. Most people gladly give when they trust the cause is pure and affordable. I think generosity is a learned trait, and we can all cultivate it. Generosity means sharing with others when they genuinely need help. I take generosity on faith and view it as an essential lifestyle. My generous spirit grew from watching my parents give freely. I grew up in a Minnesota family where giving and church attendance came naturally. God blessed my family because my parents showed steadfast faith and generosity.


Our family spent so much time with these families that it felt like one big family. When one child fell ill and could not reach one mom, you called another. That was how it worked—learning valuable lessons from my family and other caring parents was how we survived. We sometimes ate day-old bread and had cereal for dinner. Mom took on a second job while caring for six children. Money remained tight, yet none of us starved. Every one of us went on to achieve successful careers. If you want the full effect of generosity, make it a part of your lifestyle. Research shows generous people live longer and experience less stress. Generosity also boosts energy and improves overall health. I always value the lessons I learned from generous neighbors and caring community members. Thus, generosity forms the cornerstone of our community and inspires us every day.


Giving gets under your skin in the best possible way

We like to dedicate time and our resources to help those less fortunate that need our help and resources. The rewards We’ve gained from helping others have made our success all that much sweeter. You know that feeling – the warm, fuzzy one you get when you give a gift? Turns out, it’s good for your health. A growing body of research shows that giving a gift, as well as volunteering or donating to charities, has a positive impact on your physical and mental health and can contribute to a longer life.


Foundation for Senior Living (FSL) was founded with one goal in mind: to improve the quality of life for adults and their caregivers. In 1974, FSL was established by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix as a private non-profit, originally providing housing and social services to elders and individuals with disabilities without regard to race, religion or social status. Over the years, we have grown and created an integrated system of care that allows adults to age in place through our continuum of home and community-based health services. Currently, we are one of the largest non-profit organizations in the state of Arizona. 

2025 SPEV's "Be An Angel to a Senior" Program


For most of us, the holiday period is a time of celebration. We meet with friends and family to tell stories, drink and eat, and give gifts. For many seniors, the season can be a challenging time of year marked by isolation and despair. One of our greatest pleasures is  SPEV’s annual “Be An Angel to a Senior” program, which allows our team and friends to brighten the holiday for those in need by picking up personalized gifts for older adults, whom we adopt through The Foundation For Senior Living.  It’s unfortunate, but most of these people are overlooked at Christmas.  One group is those 65 and older without relatives or friends to celebrate the holiday with. They spend it alone and mourn the loss of friends and loved ones. Sad, but they would welcome seeing anyone; everyone seems too busy with their families, and no one calls on them.

Giving gets under your skin in the best possible way

We like to dedicate time and our resources to help those less fortunate that need our help and resources. The rewards We’ve gained from helping others have made our success all that much sweeter. You know that feeling – the warm, fuzzy one you get when you give a gift? Turns out, it’s good for your health. A growing body of research shows that giving a gift, as well as volunteering or donating to charities, has a positive impact on your physical and mental health and can contribute to a longer life.

Adopt-a-Senior and Beat the Heat

PHILANTHROPYThe Scottsdale community is making a difference for our seniors. The City of Scottsdale created two seasonal programs focused on assisting income-eligible, isolated seniors. Adopt a Senior is our Holiday program, running from October – to December. Beat the Heat is a Summer program where necessary summer supplies are delivered to home-bound seniors.  


Arizona All Academies Ball 

Arizona All Academies Ball is a very special gala held annually, in December, in order to recognize the Midshipmen and Cadets who have the honor of representing Arizona at our nation’s five military academies. This event honors these young leaders from Arizona by hosting an elegant evening steeped in military traditions, formality, a guest speaker, dinner, and dancing. The evening also serves as a farewell to those Midshipmen and Cadets who will receive their commissions the following May as they will begin their careers of military service to our country.

Mission Volant

Mission Volant offers qualified combat-wounded Veterans and underserved individuals the following outdoor adventures at little to no cost. We’ve done our homework here, ensuring you get the very best experience. Individuals will leave MV professionally trained and equipped. 


Mission Volant started as a simple idea: To change the lives of combat-wounded Veterans in a spectacular way, challenging them in unfamiliar territory. We address the reality that most Veterans after their service to the country are left feeling unchallenged, with little self-worth, and often without direction. MV is not a hand-holding party, but a resource of insight, community, and inspiration. We challenge combat-wounded Veterans with learning an adventurous skill set for their own therapy. Let us be clear: We don’t do hand-outs.

Pilots N Paws

Pilots N Paws was founded in 2008 by animal-lover Debi Boies and pilot Jon Wehrenberg. The idea first took flight when Jon agreed to help Debi by flying a rescued Doberman from Florida to South Carolina, to save the dog’s life. The trip was a success and the two brainstormed on how to rescue other animals. Spay/Neuter campaigns in parts of the country were working, while in other parts, primarily in the south, pet overpopulation was still a huge problem. There had to be a way to turn a problem into a solution. Former pets were dying needlessly. They needed transport.

Arizona Small Dog Rescue

Arizona Small Dog Rescue (AZSDR), a non-profit registered 501(c)3 no-kill rescue shelter.  We are a group of volunteers that have dedicated our lives to rescuing and saving homeless, unwanted, abandoned, neglected, and abused dogs.

When space is available, we accept owner surrenders of all breeds under 20 pounds for no fee or a small fee.  We spay/neuter, vaccinate and medically examine ALL DOGS that come into our rescue.  We have many dogs turned in every week and always have a wide variety of available dogs that would fit into all families and homes.

Pipeline Worldwide

“Pipeline Worldwide is the conduit for facilitating connections between donors and vulnerable communities in East Africa, based on the needs voiced by local leaders. We act as impact catalysts by providing funding, time, and resources for projects that will deliver access to clean water, sanitation, education, and healthcare in the most impoverished regions.”

Home Fur Good

During the summer of 2009, a group of animal welfare advocates got together to start an animal rescue in Phoenix, AZ.

Realizing that Maricopa County had the second-highest euthanasia rate in the nation, second only to Los Angeles County, this group of animal advocates could no longer look the other way. In September 2009, after filing all the necessary paperwork, Home ‘Fur’ Good was officially established as a 501(c)3 non-profit with the hope of eliminating the euthanasia of adoptable animals in Maricopa County.

The staff and volunteers at Home ‘Fur’ Good strive to give its animals a clean and comfortable place to sleep, nutritious food to eat, excellent medical care, adequate daily exercise, and an overdose of love and affection.

Everyone works hard to find each cat and dog a fur-ever home that best meets the animal’s needs, as well as the prospective adopter’s needs.

Special Olympics Illinois

Special Olympics is a global organization that unleashes the human spirit through the transformative power and joy of sport, every day around the world. Special Olympics Illinois is a not-for-profit organization offering year-round training and competition in 18 sports for more than 23,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities and over 13,000 Young Athletes ages 2-7 with and without intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics transforms the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, allowing them to realize their full potential in sports and in life. Special Olympics programs enhance physical fitness, motor skills, self-confidence, social skills and encourage family and community support.

Treasure House

Every human being is a treasure. And every treasure is unique. We all have our strengths, and we all have our challenges. At Treasure House, each resident designs and participates in his or her own selected vocational, education or volunteer opportunities. And, the Treasure House community is filled with opportunities to gather together for recreation, friendship and daily living experiences. The goal is to create a unique, welcoming environment for our residents that supports them in achieving their full potential while enjoying their own independence and personal growth.

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

We started with little fanfare and even fewer resources: creating a sanctuary for homeless and special-needs animals literally from the ground up, forging roadways, and erecting buildings with our bare hands. We were creating a better world through kindness to animals.

We did it with passion, believing that a humane path forward — one in which every pet has the chance to know love and companionship — was the only path forward.


Like all great ideas, Solid Rock began on a simple premise. That inside every teen, there is a purpose. It all begins with hope.

A faith-based organization, Solid Rock’s primary mission is to make an everlasting difference in the lives of teens by helping them meet the spiritual, economic, physical, and social needs of teens in the community by offering a safe, engaging environment during non-school hours. Maintaining “a teen’s worst enemy is too much time on their hands,” Solid Rock provides the music, arts, vocational programs, and fellowship that challenge teens to discover their passion through music, dance, video and sound production, self-expression, and creativity.

Arizona Heart Ball

The six cardiologists who founded the American Heart Association in 1924 would be amazed. From humble beginnings, the AHA has grown into the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. A shared focus on cardiovascular health unites our more than 40 million volunteers and supporters as well as our more than 2,800 employees. Learn more about our impact over time.

Helping Hands For Freedom 

Helping Hands for Freedom has a primary mission of supporting the families of the fallen, wounded, and deployed with emergency financial assistance. We focus on improving the lives of the children and their families by keeping them together and in the home. Our goal is to provide financial and emotional support to our military, veteran, and Gold Star families. We are devoted to serving the families most in immediate need. We address the gaps in the military and government support to address critical needs facing our families through our Life Needs Program. The Life Needs provides financial assistance for mortgage/rent, car payments, medical emergencies, and emotional support.

Thunderbird Field Veterans Memorial 

Thunderbird Field II Veterans Memorial Inc. is a non-profit organization 501 (C)(3) aimed at preserving the history and culture of aviation in Scottsdale, providing a tribute to veterans and educational opportunities for our children, and providing scholarships for Arizona students interested in all aspects of aviation.  This organization is comprised of individuals from many different backgrounds who share a common passion for aviation, history, military heritage, and the education of our young.

Each of our members & contributors is key to the development of this project.

GiGi’s Playhouse 

With over 50+ brick and mortar locations across the United States and Mexico and 200 inquiries to start new locations all over the world, GiGi’s Playhouse is the ONLY network of Down Syndrome Achievement Centers. Every day, we provide FREE, life-changing therapeutic, educational and career training programs for 30,000+ individuals of all ages. 

St Mary’s Food Bank

These were the beginnings of the world’s first food bank. John van Hengel founded St. Mary’s Food Bank in 1967. He had been volunteering at a local soup kitchen, serving dinner to those in need when a young mother told him that she depended on soup kitchens and food from grocery store dumpsters to feed her children. Van Hengel’s heart was broken. His conversation with the young woman ignited a desire to help hungry families like hers, so he came up with the idea of a “Food Bank,” where individuals and companies with excess food could “deposit” it, and those in need could “withdraw” it.

Salvation Army 

The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. 

The Salvation Army exists to meet human need wherever, whenever, and however, we can.


National Mill Dog Rescue

RESCUEREHABILITATE and RE-HOME discarded breeding dogs and to educate the general public about the cruel realities of the commercial dog breeding industry. National Mill Dog Rescue pledged to put an end to the cruelty of the commercial dog breeding industry, more commonly known as puppy mills. Through rescue and education, NMDR continues in its life-saving work while enlightening the public about the truth of pet store puppies. NMDR has taken a national approach to their efforts and they have rescued and placed more than 13,000 mill dogs since their inception in 2007. These dogs are now living as cherished family members across the United States. 

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