Forget Resolutions—Let’s Set Some Intentions

Forget Resolutions—Let’s Set Some Intentions This time of year, you can’t hardly open a browser without stumbling over lots of great advice about how to make New Year’s resolutions stick—stuff like keeping the steps toward an ultimate goal SMART, which stands for, depending on what source you rely on, small/simple/specific, measurable/meaningful, actionable/attainable, realistic/rewarding, and time-based/trackable— […]

Let Venues of North Scottsdale show you unpredictable

Let Venues of North Scottsdale show you unpredictable? Let Venues of North Scottsdale show you unpredictable? Before you start looking at locations, stop and look at the audience experience. A structured session with presenters and media? A open, flowing network opportunity? Is it a social event with food and beverages? Is it a combination of everything? […]