MEAGAN GIPSON Vegan, Writer, Animal Rescue Advocate, Designer:

Meagan Gipson is a fifth generation Arizonan. Living a creative existence, she is a graphic designer, triple threat singer/songwriter/guitarist, and former TV host/producer of vegan cooking and animal rescue segments on Arizona’s Daily Mix. She has a background as a social worker, working with children in foster care as well as animal advocacy, networking with and […]

The Basics of a Post-Event Corporate Reception

The Basics of a Post-Event Corporate Reception Gone are the days when week-long workshops and full-day networking sessions were used to end with bland Q/A sessions and product launches. Now, organizations try to make the most of such opportunities to market themselves. This is the reason why the niche of “post-event receptions” has formed. Companies […]

Team Building and Ice Breaking Games and Activities for Corporate Events

Corporate Event Games & Activities The activities and games that are made a part of corporate events are those that are both enjoyable and add value to the events. While there are different games and activities you can incorporate depending on what the event is about, it is generally ice breaking and team building activities […]

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